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Room 2001, 20/F, Waga Commercial Centre, 99 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong 
中環威靈頓街 99號威基商業中心

20 樓 2001 室



Contact Croton聯絡我們

Want to learn more about Croton  and what we can do for you? Have a question or comment? We are waiting to hear from you.

想了解綠色概念提供的服務? 有問題或評語? 快聯絡我們.  

sustainable development  

"Development that needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." 

(Our Common Future, 1987)  

(《我們的共同未來》 1987 )

Croton  Consultant     綠 色 概 念
Food Label. Design. Production. Branding. Green Events. Seminar. Consultation
營養標籤. 平面設計.  製作.  品牌建立.  環保主題活動.  講座.  顧問服務